krishna@mani presented by all the notes.

super profit method (normal)

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super profit method (normal)  :-

1.     from the following information calculation the value of goodwill of the business.
                      I.            average capital employed  in the business 40,000rs.
                   II.            net trading profit of the firm for the past years is 2006-rs.12,200.  2007-rs.11,000. 2008-rs.2,000. 2009- rs.21,000.
                 III.            rate of interest expected from capital 10%.
                IV.            fair remuneration  to  the service of manager 3,600 per annum.
3years purchase on additional profit on the basic of average profit of previous years be treated as goodwill.

calculation super profit method
particulars                                                                     amount
expected average profit:-
average profit=12,200+11,000+2,000+21,000                   11,550
(-)remuneration manager                                                          3,600
Expected average profit         7,950
Less:- normal profit :
Capital employed × normal rate of return
                                             (40,000 × 10/100)                                   4,000
                                                                    Super profit                   3,950

Goodwill=super profit × no of years purchase
                 =3,950 × 3

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